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No Bake - Fig Balls recipe (New Years Resolutions)

So its February already, time flies right? How are you doing with your fitness resolutions for this year? By now you should have lost a few pounds or maybe that six pack you wanted is almost showing right? If not, please keep reading!

To start, let me show you the results I got out of a survey I made few weeks ago on a Facebook Group that I have where we share juicing and healthy recipes. The question was one alone, “Do you have a gym membership?”, this is what they said:

Out of all of them, 79% actually have a club membership but 23% just don’t use it for many reasons. If you think you’re in that 23% please keep reading, if not keep reading too! There’s a recipe at the end of this post.

According to my friend Ryan Crose (newly and happily married, congrats!), the main reasons why people don’t workout are either they claim not having the time, the lack of knowledge about working out or maybe they feel intimidated of going to the gym. Ryan is one of the managers at the gym I go to –religiously- every day and as of February 2016 he has accomplished so much when it comes to his fitness goals.

I asked Ryan for help with two more questions and I really think his input here is very valuable.

Give us three reasons to go back to the gym to keep up with out NY resolutions:

  • A great stress relief- coming off the busy season of the holidays while juggling work, friends, and family can create little time for you. Taking time from your busy schedule to focus on you allows you to get away.

  • Feel better- the endorphins released during exercise team up with the results you are beginning to see. When you feel better about yourself, all aspects of your life tend to fall into place.

  • Improved sleep habits- exercise is a natural way to tire the body, with enough rest while working out, the clearer your results.

If we have to wake up every morning with one and only mindset, what would it be?

  • How can I be better than I was yesterday? Often people dwell on what they can’t do or didn’t do, this can translate between the gym, work, home life, and beyond. Often when working out people focus on their end goal instead of the little steps along the way. Continuing to grow and improve in all areas of your life are the steps needed to reach your end goal.

The main reason of today’s blogpost is to remind you of your goals! Be grateful you’re healthy but also be grateful you were able to setup goals at the beginning of 2016. Now, keep them up!

Now, talking food. I usually snack before hitting either the gym or a yoga session, it’s a very good way to keep you energized while working out. Today I have for you my “No Bake Fig Balls”.

INGREDIENTS (For about 18 balls)

PREPARATION (10 minutes)

  1. Put everything in the food processor and pulse for 8 to 10 times until you have a chunky paste, you have to be able to see all the ingredients.

  2. Now just take a spoonful of the mixture and make little balls using your hands. And you’re all set!

What I do is to keep them in the kitchen island so I can grab one before leaving home, it is super easy, its no bake and its sweet.

A BIG thank you to Ryan for his collaboration today.



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